Great Reads

Powerful and Challenging Books

Are you willing to allow God to teach you how to conform more to the image of Jesus Christ? Too many of us attempt to experience God and His church in ways that are foreign to the teachings of Christ and the pattern of the New Testament believers. If you want to be inspired, challenged, and broken, read some of the following books and hunt down others by these authors. Don't just take someone else's word for something you read. Keep your Bible close as you prayerfully grow in your relationship to become a Christ-follower who "Goes, tells and makes disciples". God bless your learner's heart.

"My Utmost for His Highest Daily Devotions" (free)

"Autobiography of George Mueller" (free)

"Shaped by God's Heart" by Milfred Minatrea

"Simple Church" by Thom Rainer, Eric Geiger

"The Great Omission" by Robert McQuilken

"Radical:Taking Back Your Faith from the American Dream" by David Platt

"Radical Together:Unleashing the People of God for the Purpose of God" by David Platt

"Crazy Love: Overwhelmed by a Relentless God" by Francis Chan

"Mountain Rain: The Biography of James O. Fraser" by Eileen Crossman

"Follow Me: A Call to Die. A Call to Live" by David Platt

"10 Who Changed the World" by Daniel Akin

"Experiencing God: Knowing and Doing the Will of God" by Henry Blackaby

"On the Anvil" by Max Lucado

"On Which Side of the Road Do the Flowers Grow?" by Wendell Mettey

"Out of the Silence" by Duane Miller

"The Insanity of God" by Nik Ripken

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